Test drivin' the technology
As one might notice in my profile, I consider myself an amateur photographer; meaning it's a hobby. While I do have an artistic eye, I have neither the equipment, nor the time, to be a "professional"... heck, I barely hold the amateur status!
Anyway, I'd like to share some photos I feel are worth a gander. At the same time, I'll take this opportunity to try out some Web 2.0 technology I'd hope to use on my business site.
Panoramio.com has a pretty neat little gadget I'm thinking of using for the ASIT site. It allows you to post a Google Map with markers showing the locations of photos you've taken. When you click on a marker, a bubble pops-up with the photo. Click on the photo, and you're taken to a page with photo, a couple maps showing where the photo was taken, and comments posted about said photo. In my opinion, a rather nice little mash-up.
Here it is, with the back-story following:
These were taken on a business trip, from home to Yakima, Washington. One of my clients has a commercial building they were going to be remodeling, and asked my to produce the drawings. As there were no (current) existing plans, I had to make job site measurements to come up with the existing plans.
So this means: road trip! (...another one of my hobbies...'til the gas prices went berserk!) To make a potentially long and uninteresting story short, these are photos I took along the way. Feel free to comment (either here or on the Panoramia site). They're nothing that spectacular, but I felt these places were worthy of, at most, a stop and gander; at the very least, a quick snap out the window.
Speak of snap, another gadget trial you may have noticed are the link previews by Snap.com. Another nice, low-calorie, gadget for one's web site. I'm still test-driving their search engine, so no verdict yet on that; but this... is pretty cool.