
...to the twilight zone; I'll be your usher." In case that's not a big enough hint for you, let me put it another way: This blog for all those things I really shouldn't put on my business blog or web site. Now that may sound guileful of me, but this is nothing more than my effort to keep my personal life separate from my business life. (...and believe me, that is a challenge!)


Test drivin' the technology

As one might notice in my profile, I consider myself an amateur photographer; meaning it's a hobby. While I do have an artistic eye, I have neither the equipment, nor the time, to be a "professional"... heck, I barely hold the amateur status!

Anyway, I'd like to share some photos I feel are worth a gander. At the same time, I'll take this opportunity to try out some Web 2.0 technology I'd hope to use on my business site.

Panoramio.com has a pretty neat little gadget I'm thinking of using for the ASIT site. It allows you to post a Google Map with markers showing the locations of photos you've taken. When you click on a marker, a bubble pops-up with the photo. Click on the photo, and you're taken to a page with photo, a couple maps showing where the photo was taken, and comments posted about said photo. In my opinion, a rather nice little mash-up.

Here it is, with the back-story following:

These were taken on a business trip, from home to Yakima, Washington. One of my clients has a commercial building they were going to be remodeling, and asked my to produce the drawings. As there were no (current) existing plans, I had to make job site measurements to come up with the existing plans.

So this means: road trip! (...another one of my hobbies...'til the gas prices went berserk!) To make a potentially long and uninteresting story short, these are photos I took along the way. Feel free to comment (either here or on the Panoramia site). They're nothing that spectacular, but I felt these places were worthy of, at most, a stop and gander; at the very least, a quick snap out the window.

Speak of snap, another gadget trial you may have noticed are the link previews by Snap.com. Another nice, low-calorie, gadget for one's web site. I'm still test-driving their search engine, so no verdict yet on that; but this... is pretty cool.

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