
...to the twilight zone; I'll be your usher." In case that's not a big enough hint for you, let me put it another way: This blog for all those things I really shouldn't put on my business blog or web site. Now that may sound guileful of me, but this is nothing more than my effort to keep my personal life separate from my business life. (...and believe me, that is a challenge!)


Tumbling Tumblr

I have been seriously remiss in keeping up with my blog(s)... (yeah, I know, big surprise) But I've recently been exposed to a slight variation on blogging that I think I prefer: tumblelogs. As Wikipedia explains, a tumblelog "favors short-form, mixed-media posts over the longer editorial posts." In other words, snippets rather than fully written posts. This is right up my alley, since I tend to run across all manner of flotsam and jetsam while I'm surfing... cool photos, fun cartoons, well written comments & arguments, insightful quotes... stuff I usually like to share anyway.

So, I have started my own tumblelog. You can use the link on right, which also shows the RSS feed for it. I'm still keeping this blog, and I promise to (try) to contribute more to it... I've gotten to the point in my life when I have too many opinions to not share...

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